Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to Yuva Studio

I'm back to the drawing board (so to speak) with YUVA. Here's what I've done so far:

1. Ordered Business Cards from one of my favorite web portals. All the cards have different YUVA drawings...can't wait to get them.

2. Created a brochure to go along with the cards so that I can start approaching elementary school teachers. Download it here.

Lessons learnt (so far):
1. Just because it's a "cool" idea doesn't mean it will work. There's been a lot of talk off late by people saying business models/specs/requirement documents are useless; but I think just the process of writing it at reveals some obvious holes and "gotchas" which can prove to be very valuable in the long run.

2. It's okay to start small and not spend $500 per month on the most expensive web hosting server in the market. No shame in admitting to that right?

Still learning:
1. How to "approach" (err...stalk) blogs and get people talking about your product.
2. To "iPhone" or not to. First we needed a Google widget (or gadget or whatever thingamajig it's called these days), then we had to have a "Facebook" application, and now we absolutely need the "iPhone" app. I wonder if there are companies specializing in "porting" applications to different social media these days. I understand these are marketing materials, but when do you decide you absolutely "need" a feature?

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